Sunday, June 27, 2021

Dear Diary: A Film About Female Puberty (1981)

Janie is a typical teenage girl. Soon to become a woman, she is growing anxious over the changes coming over her, as well as the attitudes and pressures from other girls. Determined to know what's happening, she begins a record in her diary as she asks anyone she can...

Educational films rarely bode well, at least when taken seriously. They're often goofy, or fail to tell their message in a good way. At their worst they can be just plain awkward. One particular example that's gained quite a cult following over the years is today's film, Dear Diary: A Film About Female Puberty. No reward for guessing what it's about. See? The movie's earning points already!

Much to my surprise, I actually really enjoyed Dear Diary! It's short and sweet, telling a good story. While the presentation may be somewhat loony, the messages and lessons here are honestly really good! Informative, easygoing, non-judgemental, and the humour helps make it more accessible to teens who need to know this stuff. The worst you can be when teaching this stuff is cold and detached.!

The ending is a nice way of wrapping things up, and helping girls know how similar they all are when facing these issues. The film's ultimate message is to talk with people about these things, and share what you know, because it's no big deal, and one shouldn't feel embarrassed or ashamed by any of it.

The animated educational sections of the movie thankfully don't come too out-of-nowhere, and don't ruin the flow of the movie

Although as weird as it is, I stand with the film in terms of its sense of humour. All too often people will criticise a film like The Refrigerator ("No survivors, only leftovers...") for being silly, not realising that the movie about a demonically possessed kitchen appliance was a comedy. It's the same with Dear Diary. There are people online levying the same criticisms against this, as if it somehow didn't realise it was being funny. Jeez, if only I knew you could accidentally create a comedy without even trying! What've I been doing all these years then??

The characters are a reasonable bunch for a short film, especially of this variety. Janie is a likeable lead, who asks sensible questions, and goes on a sympathetic journey. All she wants are some answers, and people are either confusing or unhelpful, so she often has to seek answers out from the source. Her friends are a quirky pair, who could easily come off as bitches in the wrong light, but thankfully they come across well.

The acting can be cheesy at times, but that's understandable since they aren't professionals. And they do good jobs for the most part. The worst we get is the occasionally stilted line or delivery, or over-the-top reactions. I particularly liked the main trio. While they weren't going to win any awards or anything, they do well.

Overall, Dear Diary is a fun and brisk watch. If you're a teenage girl reading this blog, Hello, I'm glad you have weird taste in movies like I do, and also I'd heartily recommend you watch this if you feel so inclined! And for anyone who's not a teenage girl, this is still worth a watch, from its educational content to its humour...

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